Thursday, July 10, 2008

The magic starts!

As much as I would hope that myself as well as the gold year staff impacted the next 4 years of young minds, I was able to learn some valuable lessons from our spoppers. It wasn’t the energetic one that had me jump around during a dance off in the middle of the day. It wasn’t even the ones who made me shed proud tears during hall closing. No, it wasn’t the dance party, or the random games played til 5am. What stood out among these unbelievable two days was the lone spopper who sat in the corner with his hands crossed throughout most of the activities. I remember several times I would try valiantly to get some sort of emotion out of him, but the only way he would interact was through yes or no questions. At the end of the program, I thought I had failed him as a staffer. I thought that I had failed to engrain in his mind that college life was actually going to be ok. As our hall became closer than ever, high fives were given, hugs were made, and new friendships were created. For a second I had almost forgotten about this particular spopper, but as we crossed paths, I motioned to give him a friendly high five. Instead he grabbed my hand and pulled me in for a hug and said two words that I will never forget…”thank you.” Those simple words put my life into perspective. I now truly believe that any individual has the power to change the world for the better. No, you not have to be a miracle worker or some sort of legendary motivational speaker. Having the right intentions and especially maintaining a positive outlook are the absolute keys to success. Watch out spop 2-10, you have no idea what is going to hit you!

“Be the change that you want to see in the world.” –Mohandas Gandhi

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